
Your company

Gain visibility

Showcase your company, present your activities and show your strength

Download official documents for free like visura and bilancio of every network’s companies.

Explore the network

Look for and trade information about Network’s companies to value their reliability or activate a contract.

Filter companies and Public Administration and look them for: association, merch categories and tags.


Promote your business

Are you looking for or trying to sell a product or a service? Are you looking for a collaboration?

Public your request or your offer, find right solutions for you or look for new commercial reliables partners.

Manage your advertise organizing them between:

  • draft
  • published
  • ended
  • archived

Create a new advertise

Follow steps and upload Segui gli step e carica your advertise like request or like offer, ste the quantity, the expiry date, the product or service’s category and choose if devote the advertise to a specific target (CPV, group or company).

Look for advertise

Look for any advertise published in the network by companies and filter using:

  • typology: request/offer
  • expiry date
  • price
  • CPV
  • advertise devoted to your company, to your group or to your CPV
  • expiring advertise


Upload your references

Join to the providers’ selection process.

Upload documents to prove the good result of your job in order to be part of supplier selection.

Analyze the contract

Add the certified document, indicate the subject who issued the reference, enter the CIG, the amount and the CPV code of the performance

Reference statistics

Organize your references in appropriate folders, and select the ones of interest to have a statistic on the number of references, the total amount and the time range.


Look for PA’s contracts

Consult the public procurement’s database including the data list about every Procurement Station’s reliances in Italy.

Analyze every PA’s contracts

Find out which PA has purchased products or services that you offer, anticipate new calls and verify your’s competitor’s contracts.

Analyze the contract

For each contract is indicated different data:

  • General details (CIG, typology)
  • Proposer structure
  • Importo aggiudicato e liquidato
  • Andamento del contratto
  • Partecipanti
  • Ente

Conversations and documents

My chat

Contact anonymously the advertise owner or you can be contacted by companies who are interested to your request.

Filter messages for:

  • message’s typology (in/out)
  • advertise status (published/ended/archived)
  • advertise’s typology (request/offer)

Contact the advertise’s owner directly through advertise’s page and text your message

My documents

Manage your company’s documents, share them with other company’s user and decide if make them public. You can add and manage your personal documents too.

Don’t forget to set the document’s expiring date, we will notify when you would have to upload a new version!

Add your documents, fill the required fields and choose the document’s typology, if private or company’s one. By clicking to the document’s object, you can see a preview of what is uploaded.

Groups’ documents

Manage your groups’ documents, by setting to which group devote your document.

GUUE and financial calls

GUUE calls

Look for calls published on Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’Unione Europea using advanced filters: 

  • call’s typology
  • Contracting Authority
  • document’s typology
  • CPV
  • nation
  • nut

View calls’ generals details, timing, CPV’s category, contract’s typology and download the call file in .pdf format

Business opportunity

Find out new opportunities by looking for financial calls for your company and go directly to the original call’s site.

Net4market – CSAmed s.r.l.

main office:
Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 15 Cremona

C.F. e P.I. 02362600344

log in the business network

sign up to log in the community

in collaboration with:

Net4market – CSAmed s.r.l. – Registration N° 02362600344 – Uff. Reg. Imp. Cremona – REA CR 171667 – Share Capital 50.000,00 Euro i.v.


    GIOVEDI' 21 APRILE | ore 10:30-11:30

    Compila il form di seguito per registrarti al webinar

    Il servizio non è disponibile per i liberi professionisti

    *Associazione di appartenenza:

    Presa visione dell'informativa sulla privacy ai sensi dell’art 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR), acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per ricevere comunicazioni promozionali dei nostri servizi:

    finalità di comunicazioni promozionali via posta elettronica
    ricevere aggiornamenti dei nostri servizi tramite telefono


      MERCOLEDI' 6 APRILE | ore 10:30-11:30

      Compila il form di seguito per registrarti al webinar

      Il servizio non è disponibile per i liberi professionisti

      *Associazione di appartenenza:

      Presa visione dell'informativa sulla privacy ai sensi dell’art 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR), acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per ricevere comunicazioni promozionali dei nostri servizi:

      finalità di comunicazioni promozionali via posta elettronica
      ricevere aggiornamenti dei nostri servizi tramite telefono


        MERCOLEDI' 23 MARZO | ore 10:30-11:30

        Compila il form di seguito per registrarti al webinar:

        Presa visione dell'informativa sulla privacy ai sensi dell’art 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR), acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per ricevere comunicazioni promozionali dei nostri servizi:

        finalità di comunicazioni promozionali via posta elettronica
        ricevere aggiornamenti dei nostri servizi tramite telefono


          MERCOLEDI' 20 APRILE | ore 10:30-11:30

          Compila il form di seguito per registrarti al webinar:

          Presa visione dell'informativa sulla privacy ai sensi dell’art 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR), acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per ricevere comunicazioni promozionali dei nostri servizi:

          finalità di comunicazioni promozionali via posta elettronica
          ricevere aggiornamenti dei nostri servizi tramite telefono